Monaco Riviera navigation


The electric solar-powered BOAT BUS 'CAMILLE' allows you to cross the port directly by water, avoiding a diversion of over a kilometre on foot.It provides a fast, easy and environmentally-friendly link between Monaco-Ville and Monte-Carlo. The boat was launched in 2007 by H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco, for whom preserving the environment is a major challenge. It carries more than 110,000 passengers a year.

The BATEAU BUS can be hired in the evening for a stroll around the port. For more information, please click here.

Payment is made on board the BATEAU BUS.

Cash payment directly to the sailor:        € 2.00
Payment by credit card at the validator: €1.50
Payment via the MONAPASS app:          €1.50

The MONAPASS application from COMPAGNIE des AUTOBUS de MONACO (CAM) can be downloaded from the App Store (IOS) or Google Play Store (Android).

NB - Your ticket also entitles you to an immediate return trip on the BATEAU BUS.

The BATEAU BUS is a year-round service provided by MONACO RIVIERA NAVIGATION on behalf of the COMPAGNIE des AUTOBUS de MONACO (C.A.M.), which manages all bus traffic in the Principality of Monaco. The same services and advantages are offered on board as on the Principality's buses: sale of tickets at identical fares.

Children under five are free of charge.
Valid for all current C.A.M. season tickets.
Free connection with city buses within 30 minutes.

22/24 Rue du Gabian
98000 Monaco

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